Peer-Reviewed Papers
Developmental Biology
McMillen, P., Levin, M. (2024), Collective intelligence: A unifying concept for integrating biology across scales and substrates, Communications Biology, 7(378). doi:10.1038/s42003-024-06037-4
McMillen, P., and Levin, M. (2024), Optical Estimation of Bioelectric Patterns in Living Embryos, in M. Bizzarri (ed.), Systems Biology: Methods in Molecular Biology, 2745: 91-102, doi:10.1007/978-1-0716-3577-3_6
Manicka, S., Pai, V. P, and Levin, M. (2023), Information integration during bioelectric regulation of morphogenesis of the embryonic frog brain, iScience, 26(12): 108398
Levin, M. (2023), Collective Intelligence of Morphogenesis as a Teleonomic Process, in Corning, P. A., Kauffman, S. A., Noble, D., Shapiro, J. A., Vane-Wright, R. I. Pross, A. (Eds.), Evolution "On Purpose": Teleonomy in Living Systems, The MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, 175-197
Grodstein, J., McMillen, P., and Levin, M. (2023), Closing the Loop on Morphogenesis: A Mathematical Model of Morphogenesis by Closed-Loop Reaction-Diffusion, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 11: 1087650
Watson, R., and Levin, M. (2023), The collective intelligence of evolution and development, Collective Intelligence, 2(2), doi:10.1177/26339137231168355
Smiley, P., and Levin, M. (2022), Competition for Finite Resources as Coordination Mechanism for Morphogenesis: an evolutionary algorithm study of digital embryogeny, BioSystems, 221: 104672
Pai, V. P., and Levin, M. (2022), HCN2 Channel-induced Rescue of Brain, Eye, Heart, and Gut Teratogenesis Caused by Nicotine, Ethanol, and Aberrant Notch Signaling, Wound Repair and Regeneration, 30(6): 681-706
McMillen, P., Oudin, M. J, Levin, M., and Payne, S. L. (2021), Beyond Neurons:
Long Distance Communication in Development and Cancer, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 9: 739024
Levin, M. (2020), How Groups of Cells Cooperate to Build Organs and Organisms, The Scientist, 34(9): 38-45
Jajoo, A., Donlon, C., Shnayder, S., Levin, M., and McVey, M. (2020), Sertraline induces DNA damage and cellular toxicity in Drosophila that can be ameliorated by antioxidants, Scientific Reports, 10: 4512
Herrera-Rincon, C., Paré, J-F., Martyniuk, C. J., Jannetty, S. K., Harrison C., Fischer, A., Dinis, A., Keshari, V., Novak, R., and Levin, M. (2020), An in vivo brain-bacteria interface: the developing brain as a key regulator of innate immunity, npj Regenerative Medicine, 5:2
McMillen, P., Novak, R., and Levin, M. (2020), Toward Decoding Bioelectric Events in
Xenopus Embryogenesis: New Methodology for Tracking Interplay Between Calcium and Resting Potentials In Vivo, Journal of Molecular Biology, 432(2): 605-620
Davison, A., McDowell, G. S., Holden, J. M., Johnson, H. F., Wade, C. M., Chiba, S., Jackson, D. J., Levin, M., and Blaxter, M. L. (2020), Formin, an opinion, Development, 147: dev187427
Tung, A., and Levin, M. (2020), Extra-genomic instructive influences in morphogenesis: A review of external signals that regulate growth and form, Developmental Biology, 461: 1-12
Fields, C., Bischof, J., and Levin, M. (2020), Morphological Coordination: A Common Ancestral Function Unifying Neural and Non-Neural Signaling, Physiology, 35: 16-30
Finkelstein J., McLaughlin K., and Levin M. (2019), Interdisciplinary Approach Needed to Crack Morphogenesis,
Atsuta, Y., Tomizwa, R. R., Levin, M., and Tabin, C. J. (2019), L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channel CaV1.2 regulates chondrogenesis during limb development, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, 116(43): 21592-21601
Levin, M., and Martinez-Arias, A. (2019), Reverse-engineering growth and form in Heidelberg, Development, 146(14): dev177261
Berard, A., Levin, M., Sadler, T., and Healy, D. (2019), Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Use During Pregnancy and Major Malformations: The Importance of Serotonin for Embryonic Development and the Effect of Serotonin Inhibition on the Occurrence of Malformations, Bioelectricity, 1(1): 18-29
Pietak, A., and Levin, M. (2018), Bioelectrical control of positional information in development and regeneration: a review of conceptual and computational advances, Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 137: 52-68
Monsoro-Burq, A. H., and Levin, M. (2018), Avian models and the study of invariant asymmetry: how the chicken and the egg taught us to tell right from left, International Journal of Developmental Biology, 62(1-3): 63-77
Pai, V. P., Pietak, A., Willocq, V., Ye, B., Shi, N-Q., and Levin, M. (2018), HCN2 Rescues brain defects by enforcing endogenous voltage pre-patterns, Nature Communications, 9(1): 998
Levin, M., and Martyniuk, C. J. (2018), The bioelectric code: An ancient computational medium for dynamic control of growth and form, BioSystems, 164: 76-93
Herrera-Rincon, C., and Levin, M. (2018), Booting up the organism during development: pre-behavioral functions of the vertebrate brain in guiding body morphogenesis, Communicative & Integrative Biology, 11(1): e1433440
Herrera-Rincon, C., Pai, V. P., Moran, K. M., Lemire, J. M., and Levin, M. (2017), The brain is required for normal muscle and nerve patterning during early Xenopus development, Nature Communications, 8(1): 587
Pitcairn, E., Harris, H., Epiney, J., Pai, V. P., Lemire, J. M., Ye, B., Shi, N-Q., Levin, M., and McLaughlin, K. A. (2017), Coordinating heart morphogenesis: A novel role for Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotidegated
(HCN) channels during cardiogenesis in Xenopus laevis, Communicative & Integrative Biology,
10(3): e1309488
McLaughlin, K. A., and Levin, M. (2017), Bioelectric Signaling in Regeneration: Mechanisms of Ionic Controls of Growth and Form, Developmental Biology, 433(2): 177-189
Pai, V. P., Willocq, V., Pitcairn, E. J., Lemire, J. M., Paré, J-F., Shi, N-Q., McLaughlin, K. A., and Levin, M. (2017), HCN4 Ion Channel Function is Required for Early Events that Regulate Anatomical Left-Right Patterning in
a Nodal- and Lefty Asymmetric gene Expression-Independent Manner, Biology Open, 6(10): 1445-1457
McDowell, G., Rajadurai, S., and Levin, M. (2016), From cytoskeletal dynamics to organ asymmetry: a nonlinear, regulative pathway underlies left-right patterning, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 371(1710): 20150409
Pai, V. P., Martyniuk, C. J., Echeverri, K., Sundelacruz, S., Kaplan, D. L., and Levin, M. (2016), Genome-wide analysis reveals conserved transcriptional responses downstream of resting potential change in Xenopus embryos, axolotl regeneration, and human mesenchymal cell differentiation, Regeneration, 3(1): 3-25
Davison, A., McDowell, G. S., Holden, J. M., Johnson, H. F., Koutsovoulos, G. D., Liu, M. M., Hulpiau, P., Van Roy, F., Wade, C. W., Banerjee, R., Yang, F., Chiba, S., Davey, J. W., Jackson, D. J., Levin, M., and Blaxter, M. L., (2016), Formin Is Associated with Left-Right Asymmetry in the Pond Snail and the Frog, Current Biology, 26(5): 654-660 [cover]
Sullivan, K. G., and Levin, M. (2016), Neurotransmitter signaling pathways required for normal development in Xenopus laevis embryos: a pharmacological survey screen, Journal of Anatomy, 229(4): 483-502 [cover]
Adams, D. S., Uzel, S. G. M., Akagi, J., Wlodkowic, D., Andreeva, V., Yelick, P. C., Devitt-Lee, A., Paré, J-F., and Levin, M. (2016), Bioelectric signaling via potassium channels: a mechanism for craniofacial dysmorphogenesis in KCNJ2-associated Andersen-Tawil Syndrome, Journal of Physiology, 594(12): 3245-3270
McDowell, G. S., Lemire, J. M., Paré, J-F., Cammarata, G., Lowery, L. A., and Levin, M. (2016), Conserved roles for cytoskeletal components in determining laterality, Integrative Biology, 8(3): 267-286
Schatzberg, D., Lawton, M., Hadyniak, S. E., Ross E. J., Carney, T., Beane, W. S., Levin, M., and Bradham, C. A. (2015), H+/K+-ATPase activity is required for biomineralization in sea urchin embryos, Developmental Biology, 406(2): 259-270
Lobikin, M., Paré, J-F., Kaplan, D. L., and Levin, M. (2015), Selective Depolarization Of Transmembrane Potential Alters Muscle Patterning And Muscle Cell Localization In Embryonic Xenopus Laevis, International Journal of Developmental Biology, 59(7-9): 303-311
Levin, M. (2015), Gap junctions: versatile mediators of long-range developmental signals, The Node
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Pai, V., Lemire, J. M., Paré, J-F., Lin, G., Chen, Y., and Levin, M. (2015), Endogenous gradients
of resting potential instructively pattern embryonic neural tissue via Notch signaling and regulation of proliferation, Journal of Neuroscience, 35(10): 4366-4385
Jewhurst, K., Levin, M., and McLaughlin, K. A. (2014), Optogenetic Control of Apoptosis in Targeted Tissues of Xenopus laevis Embryos, Journal of Cell Death, 7: 25-31
Adams, D. S., Lemire, J. M., Kramer, R. H., and Levin, M. (2014), Optogenetics in developmental biology: using light to control ion flux-dependent signals in Xenopus embryos, International Journal of Developmental Biology, 58(10-12): 851-861
Vandenberg, L. N., Blackiston, D. J., Rea, A. C., Dore, T. M., and Levin, M. (2014), Left-right patterning in Xenopus conjoined twin embryos requires serotonin signaling and gap junctions, International Journal of Developmental Biology, 58(10-12): 799-809
Zhu, F., Skommer, J., Huang, Y., Akagi, J., Adams, D. S., Levin, M., Hall, C. J., Crosier, P. S., and Wlodkowic, D. (2014), Fishing on chips: up-and-coming technological advances in analysis of zebrafish and Xenopus embryos, Cytometry A, 85A(11): 921-932
Hernandez-Diaz, S., and Levin, M. (2014), Alteration of bioelectrically-controlled processes in the embryo: a teratogenic mechanism for anticonvulsants, Reproductive Toxicology, 47: 111-114
Levin, M. (2014), Endogenous bioelectrical networks store non-genetic patterning information during development and regeneration, Journal of Physiology, 592(11): 2295-2305
Lobikin, M., and Levin, M. (2014), Endogenous bioelectric cues as morphogenetic signals in vivo, Chapter 15 in D. Fels, M. Cifra, and F. Scholkmann (Eds), Fields of the Cell, Research Signpost: Kerala, India, pp. 283-302
Lange, C., Prenninger, S., Knuckles, P., Taylor, V., Levin, M., and Calegari, F. (2014), V-ATPase maintains neural stem cells in the developing mouse cortex, in S. Nakamuri (Ed.), Handbook of H+ ATPases, Pan Stanford Pte. Ltd: Singapore, pp. 413-430
Vandenberg, L. N., Lemire, J. M, and Levin, M. (2013), It's Never too Early to get it Right: A Conserved Role for the Cytoskeleton in Left-Right Asymmetry, Communicative & Integrative Biology, 6(6): e27155
Blackiston, D. J., and Levin, M. (2013), Inversion of left-right asymmetry alters performance of Xenopus tadpoles in nonlateralized cognitive tasks, Animal Behaviour, 86(2): 459-466
Vandenberg, L. N., and Levin, M. (2013), A unified model for left-right asymmetry? Comparison and synthesis of molecular models of laterality, Developmental Biology, 379(1): 1-15
Vandenberg, L. N., Morrie, R. D., Seebohm, G., Lemire, J. M., and Levin, M. (2013), Rab GTPases are required for early orientation of the left-right axis in Xenopus, Mechanisms of Development, 130(4-5): 254-271
Adams, D. S., and Levin, M. (2013), Endogenous Voltage Gradients as Mediators of Cell-Cell Communication: Strategies for Investigating Bioelectrical Signals During Pattern Formation, Cell and Tissue Research, 352(1):95-122
Blackiston, D. J., and Levin, M. (2013), Ectopic eyes outside the head in Xenopus tadpoles provide sensory data for light-mediated learning, Journal of Experimental Biology, 216(6): 1031-1040
Tseng, A-S., and Levin, M. (2013), Cracking the bioelectric code: probing endogenous ionic controls of pattern formation, Communicative & Integrative Biology, 6(1): e22595 [cover]
Pai, V. P., Vandenberg, L. N., Blackiston, D. J., and Levin, M. (2012), Neurally derived tissues in Xenopus laevis embryos exhibit a consistent bioelectrical left-right asymmetry, Stem Cells International, 2012: 353491
Lobikin, M., Chernet, B., Lobo, D., and Levin, M. (2012), Resting potential, oncogene-induced tumorigenesis, and
metastasis: the bioelectric basis of cancer in vivo, Physical Biology, 9(6): 065002
Lobikin, M., Wang, G., Xu, J.-S., Hsieh, Y.-W., Chuang, C.-F., Lemire, J. M., and Levin, M. (2012), Early, nonciliary role for microtubule proteins in left-right patterning is conserved across kingdoms, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, 109(31): 12586-12591
Tseng, A.-S., and Levin, M. (2012), Transducing bioelectrical signals into epigenetic pathways during tadpole tail regeneration, Anatomical Record, 295(10): 1541-1551
Levin, M. (2012), Morphogenetic fields in embryogenesis, regeneration, and cancer: non-local control of complex patterning, BioSystems, 109(3): 243-261
Vandenberg, L. N., Adams, D. S., and Levin, M. (2012), Normalized shape and location of perturbed craniofacial structures in the Xenopus tadpole reveal an innate ability to achieve correct morphology, Developmental Dynamics, 241(5): 863-878
Blackiston, D. J., and Levin, M. (2012), Aversive training methods in Xenopus laevis: general principles, Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, 2012(5): 521-527
Beane, W. S., Tseng, A.-S., Morokuma, J. M., Lemire, J. M., and Levin, M. (2012), Inhibition of planar cell polarity extends neural growth during regeneration, homeostasis, and development, Stem Cells and Development, 21(12): 2085-2094
Chernet, B. T., Adams, D. S., and Levin, M. (2012), Photoconversion for Tracking the Dynamics of Cell Movement in Xenopus laevis Embryos, Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, 2016(6): 683-690
Chernet, B. T., and Levin, M. (2012), A versatile protocol for mRNA electroporation of Xenopus laevis embryos, Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, 2012(4): 447-452
Pai, V., Aw, S., Shomrat, T., Lemire, J. M., and Levin, M. (2012), Transmembrane voltage potential controls embryonic eye patterning in Xenopus laevis, Development, 139(2): 313-323
Levin, M. (2012), Molecular bioelectricity in developmental biology: new tools and recent discoveries, BioEssays, 34(3): 205-217
Vandenberg, L. N., and Levin, M. (2012), Polarity proteins are required for left-right axis orientation and twin-twin instruction,Genesis, 50(3): 219-234
Levin, M., and Stevenson, C. (2012), Regulation of Cell Behavior and Tissue Patterning by Bioelectrical Signals: challenges and opportunities for biomedical engineering, Annual Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 14: 295-323
Blackiston, D., Adams, D. S., Lemire, J. M., Lobikin, M., and Levin, M. (2011), Transmembrane potential of GlyCl-expressing instructor cells induces a neoplastic-like conversion of melanocytes via a serotonergic pathway, Disease Models and Mechanisms, 4(1): 67-85
Lange, C., Prenninger, S., Knuckles, P., Taylor, V., Levin, M., and Calegari, F. (2011), The H(+) vacuolar ATPase maintains neural stem cells in the developing mouse cortex, Stem Cells and Development, 20(5): 843-850
Carneiro, K., Donnet, C., Rejtar, T., Karger, B. L., Díaz, E., Kortagere, S., Lemire, J. M., and Levin, M. (2011), Histone deacetylase activity is necessary for left-right patterning during vertebrate development, BMC Developmental Biology, 11: 29
Vandenberg, L. N., Pennarola, B. W., and Levin, M. (2011), Low frequency vibrations disrupt left-right patterning in the Xenopus embryo, PLoS One, 6(8): e23306
Mondia, J. P., Adams, D. S., Orendorff, R. D., Levin, M., and Omenetto, F. (2011), Patterned femtosecond-laser ablation of Xenopus laevis melanocytes for studies of cell migration, wound repair, and developmental processes, Biomedical Optics Express, 2(8): 2383-2391
Mondia, J. P., Levin, M., Omenetto, F. G., Orendorff, R. D., Branch, M. R., and Adams, D. S. (2011), Long-distance signals are required for morphogenesis of the regenerating Xenopus tadpole tail as shown by femtosecond-laser ablation, PLoS One, 6(9): e24953
Vandenberg, L. N., and Levin, M. (2010), Consistent left-right asymmetry cannot be Established by late organizers in Xenopus unless the late organizer is a conjoined twin, Development, 137(7): 1095-1105
Aw, S., Koster, J., Pearson, W., Nicols, C., Shi, N. Q., Carneiro, K., and Levin, M. (2010), The ATP-sensitive K+-channel (KATP) controls early left-right patterning in Xenopus and chick embryos, Developmental Biology, 346(1): 39-53
Vandenberg, L. N., and Levin, M. (2010), Far from solved: a perspective on what we know about early mechanisms of left-right asymmetry, Developmental Dynamics, 239(12): 3131-3146
Aw, S., and Levin, M. (2009), Molecular mechanisms establishing consistent left-right asymmetry during vertebrate embryogenesis, in I. E. C Sommer and R. S. Kahn (Eds.), Language Lateralization and Psychosis, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, 3-18
Aw, S., and Levin, M. (2009), Is left-right asymmetry a form of planar cell polarity? Development, 136(3): 355-366
Vandenberg, L., and Levin, M. (2009), Perspectives and open problems in the early phases of left-right patterning, Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology, 20(4): 456-463
Zhang, Y., and Levin, M. (2009), Particle tracking model of electrophoretic morphogen movement reveals stochastic dynamics of embryonic gradient, Developmental Dynamics, 238(8): 1923-1935
Zhang, Y., and Levin, M. (2009), Left-right asymmetry in the chick embryo requires core planar cell polarity protein Vangl2, Genesis, 47(11): 719-728
Morokuma, J., Blackiston, D., and Levin, M. (2008), KCNQ1 and KCNE1 K+ channel components are involved in early left-right patterning in Xenopus embryos, Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 21(5-6): 357-372
Morokuma, J., Blackiston, D., Adams, D. S., Seebohm, G., Trimmer, B., and Levin, M. (2008), Modulation of potassium channel confers a hyperproliferative invasive phenotype on embryonic stem cells, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, 105(43): 16608-16613
Aw, S., and Levin, M. (2008), What's Left in Asymmetry? Developmental Dynamics, 237(12): 3453-3464
Aw, S., Adams, D. S., Qiu, D., and Levin, M. (2007), H,K-ATPase protein localization and Kir4.1 function reveal concordance of three axes during early determination of left-right asymmetry, Mechanisms of Development, 125(3-4): 353-372
Levin, M., and Palmer, R. (2007), Left-right patterning from the inside out: widespread evidence for intracellular control, BioEssays, 29(3): 271-287
Oviedo, N., and Levin, M. (2007), Gap junctions provide new links in left-right patterning, Cell, 129(4): 645-647
Hibino, T., Ishii, Y., Levin, M., and Nishino, A. (2006), Ion flow regulates left-right asymmetry in sea urchin development, Development Genes and Evolution, 216(5): 265-76
Shimeld, S. M., and Levin, M. (2006), Evidence for the regulation of left-right asymmetry in Ciona intestinalis by ion flux, Developmental Dynamics, 235(6): 1543-1553
Adams, D. S., Robinson, K. R., Fukumoto, T., Yuan, S., Albertson, R. C., Yelick, P., Kuo, L., McSweeney, M., and Levin, M. (2006), Early, H+-V-ATPase-dependent proton flux is necessary for consistent left-right patterning of non-mammalian vertebrates, Development, 133(9): 1657-1671
Esser, A. T., Smith, K. C., Weaver, J. C., and Levin, M. (2006), Mathematical Model of Morphogen Electrophoresis through Gap Junctions, Developmental Dynamics, 235(8): 2144-2159
Levin, M., Buznikov, G. A., and Lauder, J. M. (2006), Of Minds and Embryos: Left-Right Asymmetry and the Serotonergic Controls of Pre-Neural Morphogenesis, Developmental Neuroscience, 28(3): 171-185
Levin, M. (2006), Is the Early Left-Right Axis like a Plant, a Kidney, or a Neuron? The Integration of Physiological Signals in Left-Right Asymmetry, Birth Defects Research (Part C), 78(3): 191-223
Fukumoto, T., and Levin, M. (2005), Asymmetric expression of Syndecan-2 in early chick embryogenesis, Gene Expression Patterns , 5(4): 525-528
Fukumoto, T., Kema, I. P., and Levin, M. (2005), Serotonin signaling is a very early step in patterning of the left-right axis in chick and frog embryos, Current Biology, 15(9): 794-803
Qiu, D., Cheng, S. M., Wozniak, L., McSweeney, M., Perrone, E., and Levin, M. (2005), Localization and loss-of-function implicates ciliary proteins in early, cytoplasmic roles in left-right asymmetry, Developmental Dynamics, 234(1): 176-189
Shin, J-B., Adams, D., Paukert, M., Siba, M., Sidi, S., Levin, M., Gillespie, P. G., and Grunder, S. (2005), Xenopus TRPN1 (NOMPC) localizes to microtubule-based cilia in epithelial cells, including inner-ear hair cells, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, 102(35): 12572-12577
Gamer, L. W., Nove, J., Levin, M., and Rosen, V. (2005), BMP-3 is a novel inhibitor of both activin and BMP-4 signaling in Xenopus embryos, Developmental Biology, 285(1): 156-168
Fukumoto, T., Blakely, R., and Levin, M. (2005), Serotonin transporter function is an early step in left-right patterning in chick and frog embryos, Developmental Neuroscience, 27(6): 349-363
Levin, M. (2005), Left-right asymmetry in embryonic development: a comprehensive review, Mechanisms of Development, 122(1): 3-25
Levin, M. (2004), The embryonic origins of left-right asymmetry, Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine, 15(4): 197-206
Adams, D. S., and Levin, M. (2004), Early Patterning of the Left/Right Axis, in C. D. Stern (Ed.), Gastrulation: from cells to embryo, Cold Spring Harbor: New York, pp. 403-417
Bunney, T. D., De Boer, A. H., and Levin, M. (2003), Fusicoccin signaling reveals 14-3-3 protein function as a novel step in left-right patterning during amphibian embryogenesis, Development, 130(20): 4847-4858
Levin, M. (2003), Motor protein control of ion flux is an early step in embryonic left-right asymmetry, BioEssays, 25(10): 1002-1010
Levin, M., Thorlin, T., Robinson, K., Nogi, T., and Mercola, M. (2002), Asymmetries in H+/K+-ATPase and cell membrane potentials comprise a very early step in left-right patterning, Cell, 111(1): 77-89
Rutenberg, J., Cheng, S. M., and Levin, M. (2002), Early embryonic expression of ion channels and pumps in chick and Xenopus development, Developmental Dynamics, 225(4): 469-484
Cheng, S. M., Chen, I., and Levin, M. (2002), Katp channel activity is required for hatching in Xenopus embryos, Developmental Dynamics, 225(4): 588-591
Mercola, M., and Levin, M. (2001), Left-Right asymmetry determination in vertebrates, Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology, 17: 779-805
Levin, M. (2001), Asymmetry of Body and Brain: Embryological and Twin Studies, in N. Smelser and P. Baltes (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier: Oxford, UK, pp. 853-859
Levin, M., and Mercola, M. (2000), Expression of connexin 30 in Xenopus embryos and its involvement in hatching
gland function, Developmental Dynamics, 219(1): 96-101
Levin, M. (1999), Twinning and embryonic left-right asymmetry, Laterality, 4(3): 197-208
Zhu, L., Marvin, M. J., Gardiner, A., Lassar, A. B., Mercola, M., Stern, C. D., and Levin, M. (1999), Cerberus regulates left-right asymmetry of the embryonic head and heart, Current Biology, 9(17): 931-938
Levin, M., and Mercola, M. (1999), Gap Junction-Mediated Transfer of Left-Right Patterning Signals in the Early Chick Blastoderm is Upstream of Shh Asymmetry in the Node, Development, 126(21): 4703-4714
Levin, M. (1999), Left-right asymmetry in animal embryogenesis, in G. Palyi, C. Zucchi, and L. Caglioti (Eds.), Advances in Biochirality, ch. 12, pp. 137-152, Elsevier Science LTD: Oxford, UK
Levin, M. (1999), Endogenous electromagnetic fields and radiations in regeneration, development, and neoplasm, Proceedings of the First World Congress on the Effects of Electricity and Magnetism in the Natural World, Madeira, Portugal
Levin, M. (1998), The roles of activin and follistatin signaling in chick gastrulation, International Journal of Developmental Biology, 42(4): 553-559
Levin, M., and Mercola, M. (1998), Gap junctions are involved in the early generation of left right asymmetry, Developmental Biology, 203(1): 90-105
Levin, M., and Mercola, M. (1998), Evolutionary conservation of mechanisms upstream of asymmetric nodal expression: Reconciling chick and Xenopus, Developmental Genetics, 23(3): 185-193
Levin, M. (1998), Left-Right asymmetry and the chick embryo, Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology, 9(1): 67-76
Levin, M., and Mercola, M. (1998), The compulsion of chirality: toward an understanding of left-right asymmetry, Genes & Development, 12(6): 763-769
Levin, M., and Ernst, S. G. (1997), Applied DC magnetic fields cause alterations in the time of cell divisions and developmental abnormalities in early sea urchin embryos, Bioelectromagnetics, 18(3): 255-263
Levin, M., Pagan, S., Roberts, D. J., Cooke, J., Kuehn, M. R., and Tabin, C. J. (1997), Left/Right Patterning Signals and the Independent Regulation of Different Aspects of Situs in the Chick Embryo, Developmental Biology, 189(1): 57-67
Levin, M., and Nascone, N. (1997), Two molecular models of initial left-right asymmetry generation, Medical Hypotheses, 49(5): 429-435
Levin, M. (1997), Left-right asymmetry in vertebrate embryogenesis, BioEssays, 19(4): 287-296
Levin, M., Roberts, D. J., Holmes, L. B., and Tabin, C. (1996), Laterality defects in conjoined twins, Nature, 384(6607): 321
Levin, M., and Ernst, S. G. (1995), Applied AC and DC Magnetic Fields Cause Alterations in the Mitotic Cycle of Early Sea Urchin Embryos, Bioelectromagnetics, 16(4): 231-240
Levin, M., Johnson, R. L., Stern, C. D., Kuehn, M., and Tabin, C. (1995), A molecular pathway determining left-right asymmetry in chick embryogenesis, Cell, 82(5): 803-814